The correct choice of litter is essential for the good health of the animals, intented for the market, for sport or companionship. An unsuitable litter can trigger problems and diseases and affect their health and production.
When choosing the type of litter you can not disregard some important factors.
By comparing the litter of wood shavings with the most classic, the straw one, it is widely winning the first, because:
* After use it is disposed of as a good fertilizer.
Only beech and fir shavings are used.
Experience has led to identify in these two lumber thebest quality about absorbency capacity combined with the elasticity of the fiber.
After a careful examination to remove any impurities, the product is de-dusted, divided by size and packed in packs or bags for handling and use.
Wood bedding have great success as equestrian bedding and they have supplanted the straw. The degree of comfort, cleanliness, softness, resistance to wear and separation of liquid that provides the wood shavings far exceeds that of the old litter.
On special occasions, a beautiful white shavings ennobles the box thanks to its white appearance and softness.
The animal which is most sensitive to a poor litter is definitely the horse because, unlike farm animals, it remains many years in contact with the litter.
Some diseases that may arise, or be aggravated, due to a poor litter can be:
A shavings litter allows the horse to be stationed and rest on a clean, soft area. Unlike the straw, the horse is not encouraged to eat the chips. The shavings litter is not compacted such as straw and keeps a correct degree of humidity which maintains the hooves healthy and elastic.
The poultry industry, too, takes full advantage of a litter in shavings, because:
We deliver strictly observing the terms of delivery.
Size: 15x40x60cm
Volume: 180 l
Size: 42x40x60cm
Volume: 500 l
Weight: 18 - 20 kg
EUR pallet: 80x120cm
Pack: 27
Bags: 85